
Jesus: First & Foremost

Making Jesus the focus in every aspect of our lives.

Colossians 1:15-20

There is not one aspect of our lives that is not impacted by the gospel of Jesus. Our work, relationships, ethics, resources, etc. are all transformed and reformed to bring glory to God and serve for the good of others. In the midst of relentless noise and unending distraction we have to fight to make Jesus the focus of our lives.

Transformation: Obedience & Righteousness 

Working with the Holy Spirit to restore God’s image in us.

1 John 2:1-6

In the Christian life, the goal is transformation and the identity is Jesus. We were saved for a purpose, to have the image that our sin marred and perverted restored so that we reflect Jesus to the world around us. God, in the beginning, made us in His image so that His image might be reflected as it filled the earth. We are not called to fill the world with our image, but with His.

Devotion: Word & Doctrine

Knowing God authoritatively through His word and in honor to the ancient church.

Ephesians 2:17-22

The Church has been able to stand for the last 2,000 years, because it has stood upon the word of God and the Apostolic teaching of the faith. God’s word is our authority for truth and is sufficient for knowing God rightly. We look to the historic church and work to uphold the confessions it has consistently made throughout time.

Affection: God & Neighbor

Demonstrating a life that seeks the glory of God and the good of others first.

Luke 10:25–37

The totality of God’s law can be summed up in love God and love your neighbor. There are 613 total laws put forth in the Old Testament and they can be simplistically and beautifully distilled to just these two. In a world that champions you to seek after your own happiness and fulfillment first, God is calling us to find unending joy and eternal pleasures in making ourselves last.